Color Confusion to Color Confidence in 3 Days

Speed Learning System Takes the Guesswork out of Color Mixing


Sign me up for 3-Day Color Theory Intensive


WorkAlong with Color Master as you discover a surefire color mixing system that can take your art from amateur to amazing… FAST!

Color Theory College - 7 MasterClasses take you from confused to color confidence

Finally create art that makes people GASP!
  • MasterClass 1 - Masters' SECRET SYSTEM revealed
  • MasterClass 2 - How and 

Finally create art that makes people GASP!

  • PLUS... pay in full by midnight June, 15, 2020 and get a FREE kickstart 3-Day LIVE virtual MasterClass series
FREE 3-Day Kickstart Color Intensive - Go from Confused to Color CONFIDENCE in ONE weekend.
  • Spend 3 Days with a Color Master
  • Get your questions answered WHILE you are working
  • Watch the Master mix the Master charts and work along
  • Master will critique some charts to show how to avoid the pitfalls
  • Critiques of art work will pinpoint where everyone goes wrong.
  • Discover how to apply color theory to art projects
Day One
  1. Discover SECRET SYSTEMS used by Old Masters to achieve Radiant Realism
  2. Watch the Master create a pure value chart and work along
  3. Find out WHEN to use these values to lighten pure colors
  4. Watch the Master create an intensity chart and work along
  5. Find out WHEN to use intensities to darken or dull colors
Day Two
  1. Watch the Master create a value of intensities chart and work along - this is much more complicated so this will take us longer
  2. Find out why you need to use values of intensities to BRIGHTEN or LIGHTEN your colors
  3. Critiques of color charts so you can side-step potholes
  4. How to use your templates to create a huge color reference library
  5. CRITIQUES of art work - COMMON MISTAKES & How to Correct Them
Day Three
  1. How you can apply the color charts you just learned to a project
  2. Deep Dive into Masters' art and how they use color
  3. How to find the right color family so that you can create color harmony
  4. How to develop a SYSTEM for solving color problems
Plus a full year of FREE Access to a self-study step by step roadmap for color mixing success inside Color Theory College.

(BTW, When I do this 3-Day MasterClass series in person (next year in 2021) this LIVE workshop will be $15,000.00 --- but you get it FREE when you pay in full for Color Theory College by midnight PST June 15, 2020)

It's so much fun to witness the delight when I capture a likeness for my patrons!

My investment in myself is paying off... even during Covid.

”I followed the rules for social distancing when this patron picked up the horse portrait I created for his girlfriend.

I caught his delighted expression and his kind remarks on video. I’m so happy that I invested in myself because I'm now able to earn enough money with my art commissions to replace half of my day job salary.

My art is taking care of me even in a tough time like the quarantine lockdown. A Covid cut back in hours allowed me more time for commissions. So now I'm earning money doing something I LOVE!

Thanks Sandra for helping me live my art dream.”

~Carol Leather, Cambridgeshire, UK

   Computer support & Portrait Artist

On a budget? Make 3 payments

Sign up below to get full year access to all the goodies inside Color Theory College.

(Does not include free 3 day workshop) 

Sign me up: Color Theory College - 3 Payments